Bio cosmetic brand EGFOLOGY
started during the research on skin burn treatment

EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor) is a signaling molecule
which controls the skin cell generation.

Nobel Prize in 1986

Stanley Cohen, American Biochemist, awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering that EGF regenerate cells in 1986. During this research it was found that EGF can treat burns but also helps to improve wrinkles and skin elasticity. Since then, EGFOLOGY’s researchers have been working on it, and finally, they succeeded to develop the EGF with the same structure as the EGF present in the human body. Indeed, the technology incorporated into cosmetics.

EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor)

EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor) is an anti aging secret which controls skin cellular multiplication, proliferation and migration. EGF is a multi complex protein, consisting with 53 amino acids. When EGF is combined with the receptor on the cell membrane, EGF is activated stimulating the skin cell regeneration. Skin aging starts when EGF decreases on your body. Thus when you recharge EGF into your skin, you can experience the ‘revers aging’ consisting on the skin texture improvement, skin tone brightening, recovery from harmful factors and wrinkles removing.


The key of cosmetic efficacy is the functionality. EGFOLOGY introduces EGF as an ‘active ingredient’ for the first time in Korea Thanks to its leading biotechnology, EGFOLOGY products boost up the skin cell regeneration where skin looses firmness and elasticity due to the cell destruction for aging. With EGFOLOGY products everyone can benefit from anti aging care, turning back the time on your skin. Reveal your natural beauty with confidence.


Skin aging starts EGF decreasing and revers aging starts with EGF recharging. EGF helps to improve skin texture, skin tone brightening, recovery from harmful factors and wrinkles smoothing.


40 years research, 16 million USD investment EGFOLOGY’s researchers have been working on it, and finally, they succeeded to develop the EGF with the same structure as the EGF present in the human body. This is, the technology incorporated into cosmetics.


EGF get easily deactivated when is mixed with chemical elements or exposed in normal temperature. Therefore, stabilization is the key of EGF activity. Our partner company TNHBIO had developed T-EGF™(which is the patent name) that matches 99% of the structure and activity of human EGF. T-EGF™ has stabilized protein structure with disulfide bond utilizing DNA sequence, characterization and gene recombining technology.


T-EGFTM is the first and the only certificated active EGF in Korea. Recently, there are many brands introduce EGF cosmetic products but many of brands use EGF only as a marketing concept, they use adenosine and niaciamide for functional efficacy. EGFOLOGY product’s efficacy has been recognized by MFDS(Ministry of Food and Drug Safty) with double fuctional cosmetic certification on wrinkle improvement and whitening.